It really is bizzare. I ask people about the lyrics in the songs that they're listening to.... and they don't have a clue what the lyrics actually are. And if you ask someone to listen to a song, they comment on the melody not the words. The meaning is a song is the words, the point is the words. The melody is the vehicle by which the meaning is delivered, but it isn't the point. And yet, as with everything else, people are going with what makes them feel good and DOE...
--Excellent Don Henley song that really conveys a meaning. Have a listen, it’s called “Garden of Allah”. And he’s right. Because of subjectivism, we’ve taken any objective standard to right and wrong, good and evil, moral and immoral and thrown it out the window. The result is that all that matters is winning your argument, not being right because right doesn’t exist. We’re all in competition to see who can make whom supplicate to their will. It’s like a battle of wills and influence (...
Link The word cancel means: 1. to make void; revoke; annul: to cancel a reservation. 2. to decide or announce that a planned event will not take place; call off: to cancel a meeting. (source: It does not mean to POSTPONE! I know it makes people catch the article title if you say cancel but it isn't freaking cancelling anything people! The flight will still take place, just at a different date! That's postponing something, not cancelling it! This is basic g...
(Note: that I use the term “MAN” because it flows better. It is intended as an inclusive term that is the root of huMAN.) In the previous article I outlined the 4 basic laws of the universe, and how they apply to human understanding. But then the question becomes, how does one live a non-contradictory life that follows the 4 rules? More to the point, how can society function while following these rules? If you’re an objectivist, or almost one, or just logical you’ve no doubt been told th...
The universe is a complex place. But human beings are able to understand this universe through the use of logic and reason. The basis for our reasoning skills are the fundamental laws of the universe that most people grasp intuitively and a few understand these laws at their fullest meaning. They are the basis for all human knowledge, and the difference between us and every other animal (other than maybe dolphins) on the planet. The Law of Identity: The law of identity states that ...
Before I make any further comment: Rand was wrong about Homosexuality as I have previously stated. Why she was wrong is the issue. Recently, as a result of people reading the immenently accessible works of Terry Goodkind, himself an Objectivist there has sprung up yet another variation on the theme. Which is fine as far as it goes. "Reasonism" is the name of their belief system, and it's clearly based on the immature understandings of Rand that one would get from being able to read Ter...
An excellent article on an apprepo day: If you have the right to life, then by definition you have the right to end your own life. Period, end of discussion, just as the right to speak also gives you the right not to speak, to listen to anyone else that you want to when they speak or choose not to listen to them speak if you do not wish. All affirmative laws, by definition are also subtractive laws.
(Sarah, if you’re reading my blog still, don’t read this until you’re done Atlas Shrugged at least, and preferably after you’ve finished Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology because you need a really good handle to understand this and not get upset by it. But make no mistake, you desperately need to read this.) The Root of All Evil is supposed to be greed. Or that’s what our Religious leaders would have you believe. On the contrary, it’s something far more basic. For my entire life I’v...
Yes, the US should never have been in Iraq to begin with. It's up to a people to free themselves, it cannot be given to them. Yes, Bush is a moron with too few brain cells to put together. Yes, this was a horrible idea to start with. The Americans should have stayed in Afghanistan, and with the help of Canada, the Brits and Aussies finished that mess. They didn't, so now we're in a disaster that all roads lead to a weakened United States and thus leaves the entire North American content wide... Yes, under French law, for which Dion is a French citizen it's illegal for him (treason) to hold Political or Military Office for a foreign country. Doesn't matter the country and doesn't matter if they have dual citizenship (and it shouldn't, you're a traitor if you are of one land and work for anothers political or military benefit which could clearly be a conflict of interest to the mother country... if Canada doesn't have this law itself, then it s...
"Objectivism does not deny that 'many factors' are involved in historical causation. Economic, psychological, military, and other forces play a role. Ayn Rand does not, however, regard all these forces as primaries. "There is no dichotomy between philosophy and the specialized factors. Philosophy is not the only cause of the course of the centuries. It is the ultimate cause, the cause of all the other causes. If there is to be an explanation of so vast a sum as human history, which involve...
Everyone has been whining about Isreal killing innocent civiilians. Isreal is not killing innocent civilians. Hezbola is. They initated the conflict, not Isreal. Isreal has the right to defend itself, and anyone that dies in a just war is on the heads of the initator of the conflict. Hezbola is the terrorist organization that kidnapped Isreali soldiers, Hezbola is the group that has been subverting the Lebanese government for years. Hezbola is the one that calls for the complete distructio...
That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with...
Dan Rather just did a piece on 60 minutes... Pushing ethanol fuels... It has to be the worst piece of reporting since Rathergate Part 1. Things he didn't mention or got plan wrong: Ethanol fuels barely has a net gain. That is it takes 99% of the energy that is produced from the end fuel to actually create the fuel. Given that oil works out to about 40%, that means that we have to produce about a billion times more ethanol to meet our needs. No mention of this stupidity. Ethanol...
Yes the title sounds racist, but it's just the opposite. I don't give a damn what colour your skin is, if you terrorize people, you're a terrorist. Period. In Ontario we have a bunch of natives blocking a rail line and a road because of a land claim dispute (which the natives in question gave up their claims to the land 150 years ago). They're fortifying their location and building makeshift weapons in preparation for the police to try and remove them. (oh and others are now getting invol...