A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
John Galt's Articles In Life
October 14, 2007 by John Galt
(Note: that I use the term “MAN” because it flows better. It is intended as an inclusive term that is the root of huMAN.) In the previous article I outlined the 4 basic laws of the universe, and how they apply to human understanding. But then the question becomes, how does one live a non-contradictory life that follows the 4 rules? More to the point, how can society function while following these rules? If you’re an objectivist, or almost one, or just logical you’ve no doubt been told th...
October 12, 2007 by John Galt
The universe is a complex place. But human beings are able to understand this universe through the use of logic and reason. The basis for our reasoning skills are the fundamental laws of the universe that most people grasp intuitively and a few understand these laws at their fullest meaning. They are the basis for all human knowledge, and the difference between us and every other animal (other than maybe dolphins) on the planet. The Law of Identity: The law of identity states that ...
May 5, 2007 by John Galt
(Sarah, if you’re reading my blog still, don’t read this until you’re done Atlas Shrugged at least, and preferably after you’ve finished Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology because you need a really good handle to understand this and not get upset by it. But make no mistake, you desperately need to read this.) The Root of All Evil is supposed to be greed. Or that’s what our Religious leaders would have you believe. On the contrary, it’s something far more basic. For my entire life I’v...
November 17, 2006 by John Galt
"Objectivism does not deny that 'many factors' are involved in historical causation. Economic, psychological, military, and other forces play a role. Ayn Rand does not, however, regard all these forces as primaries. "There is no dichotomy between philosophy and the specialized factors. Philosophy is not the only cause of the course of the centuries. It is the ultimate cause, the cause of all the other causes. If there is to be an explanation of so vast a sum as human history, which involve...