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And they're selling it to everyone else :<
Published on August 20, 2006 By John Galt In War on Terror
Everyone has been whining about Isreal killing innocent civiilians. Isreal is not killing innocent civilians. Hezbola is. They initated the conflict, not Isreal. Isreal has the right to defend itself, and anyone that dies in a just war is on the heads of the initator of the conflict. Hezbola is the terrorist organization that kidnapped Isreali soldiers, Hezbola is the group that has been subverting the Lebanese government for years. Hezbola is the one that calls for the complete distruction of a state. NOT Isreal. Isreal has the right to level the entire country if that is what it would take to destroy Hezbola. This wasn't a war between Isreal and Lebanon. It's a war between Isreal and Terrorists. Period. That is happens to be on Lebanese soil only underscores the evil of Hezbola and the fact that Isreal gave Lebanon (and the world under the UN resolutions) the opertunity to deal with their own problem and they chose not to.

In reality the only group that should be attacked is the UN because it was the UN that caused this in the first place by forcing muslims off of their land with a gun to the back of their heads back as the first act of the UN when it created Isreal in the first place. They did exactly what Hitler had done to the Jews and justified it as making up for the past. They committed evil because of their philosophical system and the guilt that the US felt for supporting Hitler (US business). If they had recognized the Mulsim property rights and allowed the Jews to continue to buy land in "Isreal" like they had been doing for years before WWII then this wouldn't be happening now. This entire problem in the middle east is directly the result of and the responsibility of the UN. It will only be solved when the UN's mistake is corrected. Does that mean getting rid of Isreal? No because you'd be committing the same transgression against people that bare no responsibility for their forefathers. What it does mean is a complete mea coupla by the UN and the same people htat caused it in the first place to start working towards making amends for the evil acts of the UN 60 years ago in the form of real renumeration for the land stolen by the UN and the integration of Muslims with the free purchase of land in the rest of Isreal and evenually, over time the same thing with Jews like before 1945 when there was a relatively large Jewish population in Mecca.

Let's wake up and blame the right people. Both in war and in the cause of the war. Let's stop fighting wars in half measures and start fighting defensive wars to win. And most importantly, recognize who is responsible for the deaths of "innocent civilians". It's the aggressor. Not the just nation defending itself. Do not stop Isreal, help them to whipe Hezbola off the face of the map and don't stop until each and every last one of them is dead. Only then will the killing of civilians stop.

If we can't learn this lesson in Isreal, let's do so in Afganistan where they're trying to broker a peace agreement with the Taliban! and Iraq... even though Iraq is Bush's war of agreession thinly veiled in lame justification and he knew it. Thus the US is the evil agressor in that case. (and should get the hell out as soon as you overthrow that fool.)

on Aug 20, 2006
Well, I will not agree with you 100%, but I will agree with the conclusion.  And the solution.
on Aug 20, 2006
Actually "Isreal" isn't real; but Israel is
on Aug 21, 2006
In reality the only group that should be attacked is the UN because it was the UN that caused this in the first place by forcing muslims off of their land with a gun to the back of their heads back as the first act of the UN when it created Isreal in the first place.

Excellent point, John. I have begun referring to the creation of the nation of Israel as the ultimate example of eminent domain abuse. Because I believe it is. But the Jews should not be punished for the idiotic actions of the UN.
on Aug 21, 2006
In reality the only group that should be attacked is the UN because it was the UN that caused this in the first place by forcing muslims off of their land with a gun to the back of their heads back as the first act of the UN when it created Isreal in the first place.

So the pre and post World War II anti-semitism that was rampant throughout Europe and was the largest contributing factor to the rise of Zionism and the Jewish quest for a homeland had nothing to do with it?
on Nov 05, 2006
Oh they had a lot to do with it, but it would never have happened if the UN understood that the precondition for all freedom is property rights and they were taking the Palistinian's land. You can sacrifice one group of people for another no matter the reason or how wealthy the other is.

This is the lesson that Socialism has not learned.