Yes, under French law, for which Dion is a French citizen it's illegal for him (treason) to hold Political or Military Office for a foreign country. Doesn't matter the country and doesn't matter if they have dual citizenship (and it shouldn't, you're a traitor if you are of one land and work for anothers political or military benefit which could clearly be a conflict of interest to the mother country... if Canada doesn't have this law itself, then it s...
Yes the title sounds racist, but it's just the opposite. I don't give a damn what colour your skin is, if you terrorize people, you're a terrorist. Period. In Ontario we have a bunch of natives blocking a rail line and a road because of a land claim dispute (which the natives in question gave up their claims to the land 150 years ago). They're fortifying their location and building makeshift weapons in preparation for the police to try and remove them. (oh and others are now getting invol... So why did I post this to a politics forum? Because of the compltion of the title: ... NOT SPEEDING. Yes, that's right, speed as nothing to do with the vast majority of accidents. More to the point, from my experience driving with people that drive the speed limit, the reason why they're so inattentive is BECAUSE OF THE SPEED LIMIT. They get so bored that they start looking...
On his blog Paul Thurrott just suggested that the rest of the world needs to do what France is doing and steal the Intellectual property of Apple "for the greater good". Otherwise known as communism. My response to him: Little tip. Communism failed horribly, starved millions to death and is generally evil. France itself is an excellent example of socialism in action. I.e. the riots specifically for action... Ironic? Hell yes. Predictable? Of course. When you're entire platform revolves around enslaving those that work hard, and steal from anyone that works hard to make a living, ignoring the concept of freedom of speech and association? That's nothing. Mind what people do, not what they say. This should tell everyone in Canada once and for all exactly what Socialism is and what it stands for. All because of moral equivalence. The belief that right and wrong are all about point of view, and not about objective measurements. Further, combine that with a contradictory value system that tells us to "turn the other cheek" and volia, you have the death of the western world. There are but two outcomes to this. 1. WW3 as a result of the West getting a spine, realizing that th...
Anyone noticed the irony of the Muslim protests throughout Europe over the cartoons? I mean really! Hello? Anyone home? You believe you have the right to freedom of speech/expression (protesting) and yet others don't have the same right to comment on your GOD? Hypocrisy! And keep in mind, that in their "homelands" those same Muslims would likely be tortured and executed for sedition against their government for protesting like this. Oh the irony! "People": You can't have it bot...
Yes, you heard that right. The objectivist saying that he's thinking about voting for the liberals. Why? Because Paul Martin just pledged to remove the not-withstanding clause (i.e. the we don't really want a constitution clause) from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Of course he was quick to note that it would be a Federal only amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but hey, it's a start. This is important because? Because the government does absolutely nothing usef...
Democracy != Freedom W. has been proclaiming the wonders of democracy, but as fitting for a man with so little intelligence and more specifically so very ignorant, he misses the point. Democracy does one thing and only one thing left on checked: It enslaves the individual to the majority. (or at least those that can pay for a voice) Democracy is no better or worse in and of itself than any other system of government ever created (not including communism which isn't a political system per ... Um, yet again, another example of the failure of any and all socialism no matter the supposed positive intent. The only thing wrong with the article is that the guy that did the study doesn't point out that transfer payments are evil. Instead it treats it as an axiom that Ontarioians should be helping the poorer provinces. Hello! It doesn't work because you're handing people money and they haven't earne...
Gotta love stories like this: An international convention 75 years ago defined forced labour as all involuntary work extracted from a person under threat of punishment or penalty. Let's see. By the definition given 75 years ago, North American taxation policies definately fit. In involuntary work extracted from a person under threat of punishment or penalty. HELLO IRS! Tip: North America, and Europe...
When I go somewhere for a business trip or just a trip in general I try and understand what makes that place unique. What makes it special. I will even adopt whatever the uniqueness is as much as possible when I’m there. I don’t mean that I change myself, or affect airs, but I do try and accommodate the people there. It helps me to learn. Both learn what makes their way better, and what makes my way better. Only by embracing this change can you better yourself. You have to be open to a b...
Draginol has touched on this a little, but I'm still amazed by people. The internet has been the greatest tool for free speach that has ever been invented. It has been a great equalizer the likes of which we haven't seen since the dawn of a free market economy. Rathergate is proof of this fantastic power that each and every one of us that can afford a computer and an internet connection can exercise. But in that power, and especially in the Rathergate article is the key to the problem...