It really is bizzare. I ask people about the lyrics in the songs that they're listening to.... and they don't have a clue what the lyrics actually are. And if you ask someone to listen to a song, they comment on the melody not the words. The meaning is a song is the words, the point is the words. The melody is the vehicle by which the meaning is delivered, but it isn't the point. And yet, as with everything else, people are going with what makes them feel good and DOE...
With all of the talk about Chritian Rock lately, here's my answer: Ana Johnsson "The Way I am" Excellent stuff. Everyone run, don't walk to buy this. She may or may not be an official objectivist, but she certainly is a really great accidental one I had a friend listen to "We Are" after hearing it on Third Watch. He said "Of course you like her". I said "Why?", "Because she's an objectivist chick!" Yup, I'm transparent Now where the hell are the ones that I can date? ...