The same way as every other war
Yes, the US should never have been in Iraq to begin with. It's up to a people to free themselves, it cannot be given to them. Yes, Bush is a moron with too few brain cells to put together. Yes, this was a horrible idea to start with. The Americans should have stayed in Afghanistan, and with the help of Canada, the Brits and Aussies finished that mess. They didn't, so now we're in a disaster that all roads lead to a weakened United States and thus leaves the entire North American content wide open for more attacks. That must not happen.
When you're in a war, you need to fight a war. The fundamental principle of all wars is that there are no innocent bystanders. What does that mean? It means that 56% of Iraqis support the terrorists in Iraq attacking the Americans. It means that of the 44% left, most of them are happy to do nothing. While they don't condone killing per say, they are just as happy to let others do it for them. This is the lesson of Israel and Palestine, and it's the lesson of Iraq too.
Just like in Germany in WWII, the people supporting Hitler are evil and must be destroyed, but more importantly, those that saw what was happening and were content to do nothing are even worse. Unlike Germany that had less than 30% of the population support Hitler, we're talking about a pretty strong majority of the population here.
Only when the west understands that war is dirty and that there is no innocent bystanders, there are only those that support the enemy and those that support the enemy by doing nothing will the west understand how to defeat the evil that is Islam.
Churchill once said: "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." What he meant by that (according to his memoirs) is that not only must we fight for freedom, but so must the Germans. They had a choice, and they chose tyranny because they choose to do nothing. You must continually fight against evil, or it wins by your very choice of inaction. To put it another way, you're culpable in your own death if you allow evil to exist and don't fight against it to your last breath without fail. To put it another way, the Iraqis are the ones that are guilty when the American is forced to kill them or be killed by a suicide bomber. (and so is Bush, but then that's another monster that needs to be removed from office...)
So, the only way to win this war. Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Syria and everywhere else that this thing is going to go, is to fight a war instead of being police. What that means is that if a bomb goes off, then an F18 flys over a few minutes later and napalms the entire area.
What the means is if a terrorist hides in a community (or puts on a burka to hide in a group of women) you ring the area not letting anyone out, get on a bullhorn and give those people the chance to turn them over. If they do not, you call in the F18 again, and you wipe out the entire city block.
You do not fight house to house. You do not allow women to defend terrorists by having them dress up in women's clothes. You do not fight IEDs by running after a suspect like your a cop in New York City. This is not a civilized place. Their belief system is evil and barbaric. You're fighting for your lives and you must FIGHT, not police.
If WWII had been fought like this war (and Vietnam for that matter) has been fought, we would have lost and would have all been Germans by now.
And before you say it, yes, this is exactly like Nazi Germany. We ARE fighting for our way of life. They are bent on genocide just as surely as Hitler was. (Just look at the propaganda coming out of Iran right now)
This moral equivalence thing has to stop. We have to judge our culture and theirs based on the only fundamental principle that there is: The choice to live or the choice to die. Our society allows everyone to live their own lives (mostly) without interference or threat of death so long as they obey the concept of live and let live. Their culture will kill men simply because they believe in a different god. We overcame that brutal ignorance (mostly) 200+ years ago and we are better for it.
Our culture is better than there's because we choose to use our rational minds and treat men as men and for the most part, judge a man by the sum of his actions instead of the colour of his skin or the religion that he believes in. It's time that we stood up and stopped playing games and just said "We are better than you. We're more enlightened, more civilized and thus our way is the way of life, yours is the way of death. Thus you must either change, stay amoungst yourselves and kill each other and leave us alone, or die."
There is no other option. We've become cowards who are afraid to take responsibility for the deaths of others. We hide from the reality of what it means to be a man at every opportunity. We've been watered down and castrated. The end result will be the death of our civilization, just as surely as it was the death of the Roman civilization 1800 years ago.
It's time that we fought like men, and carried on a war like men. If we choose to fight a war instead of avoiding death, then this will be over quickly. And in the end, we will have saved more lives than would have been spent the way we're going about it now (several hundred thousand dead Iraqis to prove it). That was the lesson of Japan, and it's the lesson of every war. End it as quickly as possible by whatever means are necessary.
And forget about innocents. There is no such thing in war.
(and women, I use "men" because it flows better in sentences. It is used inclusively and means all huMANs)