A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
John Galt's Articles » Page 2
April 21, 2006 by John Galt
http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/story/CTVNews/20060420/distracted_driving_060420/20060420?hub=TopStories So why did I post this to a politics forum? Because of the compltion of the title: ... NOT SPEEDING. Yes, that's right, speed as nothing to do with the vast majority of accidents. More to the point, from my experience driving with people that drive the speed limit, the reason why they're so inattentive is BECAUSE OF THE SPEED LIMIT. They get so bored that they start looking...
April 9, 2006 by John Galt
http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1181589,00.html I remember back in High school the entire school got to go see Schindler's List for free. It was heralded as one of the most important films ever made. I skipped out on it. Why? Because victim mentality is not my thing. Yes it happened, yes it's horrible, if we bothered to actually understand why it happened in the first place, then that would be important knowledge. But we don't, and a movie that worships the average Jew...
March 22, 2006 by John Galt
On his blog Paul Thurrott just suggested that the rest of the world needs to do what France is doing and steal the Intellectual property of Apple "for the greater good". Otherwise known as communism. http://www.internet-nexus.com/2006/03/france-pushes-for-free-choice-on-song.htm My response to him: Little tip. Communism failed horribly, starved millions to death and is generally evil. France itself is an excellent example of socialism in action. I.e. the riots specifically for action...
March 17, 2006 by John Galt
http://www.theinquirer.net/?article=30338 Just in time for the US Justice department to decide that they need to split it up. (Just like Standard Oil, AT&T, and every other time they've exercised the inane laws of anti-trust which require you to break them and have someone tell you about it before you'll ever know that you have...
March 7, 2006 by John Galt
Now-a-days it seems that there is at least one in everything you do. Whether it be business (i.e. the government) or some community event or walking down the street. There’s always someone that is willing to use physical threat or other forms of coercion to get what they want. And the worst part about it? They get away with it. In Toronto we’re having horrible gang violence with illegal guns (wow, that gun registry really worked!) knives and anything else that they can get their hands on....
February 12, 2006 by John Galt
http://www.cbc.ca/story/canada/national/2006/02/12/ndp-hargrove060212.html?ref=rss Ironic? Hell yes. Predictable? Of course. When you're entire platform revolves around enslaving those that work hard, and steal from anyone that works hard to make a living, ignoring the concept of freedom of speech and association? That's nothing. Mind what people do, not what they say. This should tell everyone in Canada once and for all exactly what Socialism is and what it stands for.
February 10, 2006 by John Galt
http://www.aynrand.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=17003.0&dlv_id=15181&JServSessionIdr007=3ud5su7qf1.app14b All because of moral equivalence. The belief that right and wrong are all about point of view, and not about objective measurements. Further, combine that with a contradictory value system that tells us to "turn the other cheek" and volia, you have the death of the western world. There are but two outcomes to this. 1. WW3 as a result of the West getting a spine, realizing that th...
February 3, 2006 by John Galt
Anyone noticed the irony of the Muslim protests throughout Europe over the cartoons? I mean really! Hello? Anyone home? You believe you have the right to freedom of speech/expression (protesting) and yet others don't have the same right to comment on your GOD? Hypocrisy! And keep in mind, that in their "homelands" those same Muslims would likely be tortured and executed for sedition against their government for protesting like this. Oh the irony! "People": You can't have it bot...
January 12, 2006 by John Galt
Yes, in an act that is sure to surprise no one with a brain and eyes, Bush has basically said that you can't carry on a debate on the war that gives ammunition to the enemy. Translation, you can't question the war, just how to go about winning it (John Stewart did an excellent skit on this that makes the point wonderfully...). Or to put it like a Christian: That's not a valid point because it isn't canonized in the Bible. I've always loved the circular logic of Christianity that says you...
January 10, 2006 by John Galt
Yes, you heard that right. The objectivist saying that he's thinking about voting for the liberals. Why? Because Paul Martin just pledged to remove the not-withstanding clause (i.e. the we don't really want a constitution clause) from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Of course he was quick to note that it would be a Federal only amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but hey, it's a start. This is important because? Because the government does absolutely nothing usef...
December 26, 2005 by John Galt
I hate this format war that is coming. Namely because BlueRay is the better technical concept but HD DVD is the better implimentation, so no one wins. Further, BlueRay still doesn't impliment required managed copy and doesn't support anything other than a VERY complex Java programming language that is not thought out very well at all. (It came from Refridgerators and it's going back into dumbass devices again, hopefully to stay forever!) Here's an idea to solve this problem: Get MS to ...
December 21, 2005 by John Galt
Link Finally, the side of rational thought, science and yes, freedom (in the context of being able to think for yourself instead of believing something because someone told you that you should believe it and thus it must be right) has won one. It's so far, a small victory, but a victory non-the-less in a battle that will decide if the Western world descends back into another dark ages, or if the advances made by the enlightenment and the Inventive period will continue. All too often th...
December 19, 2005 by John Galt
Democracy != Freedom W. has been proclaiming the wonders of democracy, but as fitting for a man with so little intelligence and more specifically so very ignorant, he misses the point. Democracy does one thing and only one thing left on checked: It enslaves the individual to the majority. (or at least those that can pay for a voice) Democracy is no better or worse in and of itself than any other system of government ever created (not including communism which isn't a political system per ...
October 31, 2005 by John Galt
As a society we are failing to ask the right questions and the problem stems from people that do not want you to know the right questions to ask because their power lies in your confusion and ignorance. The key to asking a good question is to understand the topic completely and then get past all of the rhetoric and form a question that has a yes or no answer. Some small examples of asking the wrong questions: 1. Should Abortion be illegal? Sounds like a reasonable question right? Wrong. ...
October 31, 2005 by John Galt
“When you say "fiscal federalism", I guess I am not following you. I always thought federalism was a system of government, not an economic policy like capitalism or communism. The United States, I was led to understand, is both federalist (politically) and capitalist (economically). Canada has a wealth of socialist programs, but, like the UK, is not fully socialist since it does not support a full redistribution of wealth like a communal system of government. You seem to use capitalism and fe...