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Stephane Dion A Criminal In France!!!
Published on December 30, 2006 By
John Galt
Yes, under French law, for which Dion is a French citizen it's illegal for him (treason) to hold Political or Military Office for a foreign country. Doesn't matter the country and doesn't matter if they have dual citizenship (and it shouldn't, you're a traitor if you are of one land and work for anothers political or military benefit which could clearly be a conflict of interest to the mother country... if Canada doesn't have this law itself, then it should. Immediately. And there should be a constitutional ammendment banning dual citizens from holding any public or military office passed immediately).
Of course the best way to hide this is to accuse the person that brought it up of being a racist somehow, logic be damned!
Which is exactly what he does!
Gotta love it when someone searches high and low for justification for evil to put their minds at ease and allow them to stop thinking. Malthusian theory has been proven to have nothing to do with wealth or anything at all other than finite groups, which don't exist in human populations, but he never-the-less uses it as proof of something that doesn't apply. Simply put he suggests that loyalty is not finite. That you can be loyal to multiple things without reducing your loyalty to another. He uses the example of mother to child.
As anyone that is from a family with multiple kids will tell you, that's pure bunk. Parents do have favourites, they try not to, but they do. That's just the way it is. This same principle is why dual agents during the cold war could not be trusted. You could never tell which was the favourite parent at any given time (Russia or the US or whatever other country, the Brits were great at this game...). So you couldn't trust what they said on anything at any time. (just like parents have favourites at any given moment that might change too because of the little bastard peeing on the new DVD player because he can't watch his barney VHS tapes anymore... Yes someone told me about their kid doing that, it's true... stunning how bad you have to be as a parent to have a kid that would do that but true...
Anyhow, the logic makes no sense. You have two contraditory points of view and two very different priorities. (i.e. Canada fights and dies for it's freedom, France runs away and waits for us to save them... just did it in Afganistan.. again , but I digress)
You can't be prime minister of Canada while holding alegence to the French flag. The head of state of a country is the one person that there can be no doubt about this. Their only allegence must be to the country that they are leading, because someday they might have to fight, either politically or militarily against that other nation. (i.e. we might finally get tired of France's whining and running, and just invade them ourselves... I predict that that war would be over in < 10 minutes, even faster than their surrender to Hitler!)
So to the fool that doesn't want to face reality and throws out the racist card, stick it up your pipe and smoke it. You know you're wrong and you're looking for an excuse. Sorry but you don't have one.
I can just see the ads now in the next election!
Stephane Dion wants your vote. He's a criminal. Do you want him as prime minister?
Stephen Harper must be laughing his ass off right now
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on Apr 15, 2007
if Canada doesn't have this law itself, then it should. Immediately
under what moral bases?
It's not like we are at war with France. Or even potentialy rival on a National Security point of view.
I mean, the whole "people should renounce on their dual citizenship" argument is stupid. Simply stupid, to quote Dr Freeman in M*A*S*H:
"Flagg: Dr Freeman, I can blow the whistle about you. You never signed your oath of allegiance
Freeman: I have a question.. Do you think that if I was a commi spy, I'd think for a second not signing it?"
The point being, if you require from people that they renounce on dual citizen ship in order to get sensitive jobs, those you try to keep out will automaticly comply.
You gain nothing out of it, except a few political points in the French-Haters (and God there are a lot of them in Canada)
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