An excellent article on an apprepo day: If you have the right to life, then by definition you have the right to end your own life. Period, end of discussion, just as the right to speak also gives you the right not to speak, to listen to anyone else that you want to when they speak or choose not to listen to them speak if you do not wish. All affirmative laws, by definition are also subtractive laws.
That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not a sufficient warrant. He cannot rightfully be compelled to do or forbear because it will be better for him to do so, because it will make him happier, because, in the opinions of others, to do so would be wise, or even right. These are good reasons for remonstrating with him, or reasoning with...
Dan Rather just did a piece on 60 minutes... Pushing ethanol fuels... It has to be the worst piece of reporting since Rathergate Part 1. Things he didn't mention or got plan wrong: Ethanol fuels barely has a net gain. That is it takes 99% of the energy that is produced from the end fuel to actually create the fuel. Given that oil works out to about 40%, that means that we have to produce about a billion times more ethanol to meet our needs. No mention of this stupidity. Ethanol... Just in time for the US Justice department to decide that they need to split it up. (Just like Standard Oil, AT&T, and every other time they've exercised the inane laws of anti-trust which require you to break them and have someone tell you about it before you'll ever know that you have...
Yes, in an act that is sure to surprise no one with a brain and eyes, Bush has basically said that you can't carry on a debate on the war that gives ammunition to the enemy. Translation, you can't question the war, just how to go about winning it (John Stewart did an excellent skit on this that makes the point wonderfully...). Or to put it like a Christian: That's not a valid point because it isn't canonized in the Bible. I've always loved the circular logic of Christianity that says you...
“When you say "fiscal federalism", I guess I am not following you. I always thought federalism was a system of government, not an economic policy like capitalism or communism. The United States, I was led to understand, is both federalist (politically) and capitalist (economically). Canada has a wealth of socialist programs, but, like the UK, is not fully socialist since it does not support a full redistribution of wealth like a communal system of government. You seem to use capitalism and fe...
The reason why you’re bored with Politics is because there’s no real difference between a democrat and a republican. The only significant difference is your level of love of religion or distain for it. If the neo-republican party had their way the US would be a Christian state with quasi-socialist values based on Christian morality. If the democrats had their way, the US would be a socialist state al-la France or worse the Soviet Union and people would be dying or enslaved for “the great... The scary thing is that this kind of bullshit is becoming all too common. Chuck Richardson needs to get a clue. Once again, the rage he feels and vents at Objectivists and business people is misdirected. It is precisely the socialist values taking everything that he works for and giving it to someone more pathetic than him, that is causing this. It is the socialist left pushing people onto the welfare doll ( http://www.timesonli...
(To those of you that got stuck in New Orleans as tourists or through no fault of your own because you really did try and leave, this is not directed at you. My thoughts are with you and I hope that you can use your ingenuity and leadership to keep yourselves safe and get out.) For the last week basically I've been at a loss for words as to what has been happening in the southern United States. We've been getting ridiculous commentary from the media here in Canada, even from the most right...
One of the things that a great many people (especially socialists trying to argue against a capitalist and the empirical evidence that is micro-economics) get confused is the difference between Capitalism and Corporatism. Put simply: Capitalism is the way the universe works. Newton put it thusly: For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Rand put it this way: You can’t have something for nothing. Simple example: A baseball can’t move through the air without someone/thing...
In a move that stuns me and makes me actually believe just a little in politicians the government of the United States actually overruled Bushes idiotic stem cell research law. Amazing. Fantastic. Wonderful. In other news: Bush vows to veto bill. *sigh* So much for that little belief in politicians to actually do something useful. W. has the same bogus, life hating view that comes from all religions, but most specifically Christianity. He is putting what might be ahead of what I...