All because of moral equivalence. The belief that right and wrong are all about point of view, and not about objective measurements. Further, combine that with a contradictory value system that tells us to "turn the other cheek" and volia, you have the death of the western world.
There are but two outcomes to this.
1. WW3 as a result of the West getting a spine, realizing that the Wizard's 5th rule: "Mind what people do, not what they say, for their actions will be betray the lie." is true, and voting for Hamas betrays the lie that most muslims deplore terrorism just as much as everyone else. That capitalism and enlightened self-interest IS BETTER than Islam or even Christianity or Judisim and that we ARE more enlightened than a religion that teaches that women are property, and they should keep their entire bodies covered at all times and be stoned to death for whatever a man decides as a reason.
2. The complete destruction of the western world and thus what is left of reason, science and capitalism, and thus another dark ages under the rule of whatever religion whips its followers into the greatest furver and thus has the most power to oppress it's people.
As much as we would like there to be a "3rd way" as Clinton and Blair like to refer to it. It doesn't exist. Given the opertunity, muslims will vote for terrorists (Palistine, Iraq, Iran, Syria and essentially every other Muslim theocracy that actually allows its people to vote) and they will continue to murder Westerners and destroy our way of life, until there is nothing left. Indeed in one shot, over a few cartoons in the newspaper, we now have lost the freedom of speech and the government has essentially censored the media.
Rand said that the death of the West would not be here until the day that the press was censored. She was right.
That day has come.
And what's worse, is most everyone doesn't have a problem with it because most of us don't actually understand why freedom, and thus freedom of speech is so important anymore. In fact our high school students responded in a recent poll (80% of them anyhow) that they thought that every news story reported should have to go through the government first. Yes. In the United States of America folks.
Anyone pissed off yet? Anyone want to fight back for freedom, reason and capitalism yet? If I didn't know the ending of Platos cave of fire, I would do so myself. But I think that there are not enough people out there like me to make a difference, and when scared people are trying to hide from evil they kill anyone that wants to stand up and fight back.
Oh and if you thought this was issolated to Islam and Europe. Think again. Go look at the latest polls in Hati. They're going to elect a guy that used to work for the old "president" that went around murdering people like he was drinking water.