A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
Anyone noticed the irony of the Muslim protests throughout Europe over the cartoons?

I mean really! Hello? Anyone home?

You believe you have the right to freedom of speech/expression (protesting) and yet others don't have the same right to comment on your GOD? Hypocrisy!

And keep in mind, that in their "homelands" those same Muslims would likely be tortured and executed for sedition against their government for protesting like this. Oh the irony!

"People": You can't have it both ways! If you want the right to protest, then you have to ensure that others have the right to do the very same thing. That it happens to be a satirical cartoon makes absolutely no difference. It is still a protest. Specifically it points out the stupidity of multiculturalism and the barbarianism of religion (specifically targeted at Islam, but the very same cartoons could easily apply to Judaism, and Christianity), and just because you don't like that doesn't mean that you get to demand that a government censor people.

This is the stupidity of Religion and Socialism. "I want to be free to do whatever I want, but you? You I want to enslave to my ideals." This is specifically what the founding fathers of the United States were working so damn hard to prevent, and what makes Western civilization so much, much, much better than the Mid-East in general. And to be clear, it isn't a matter of being predominantly Christian that has made the Western World so much more evolved. It was that Christianity, through its "turn the other cheek" gave up control because it hamstrung itself to act when rational men decided to take power. It is and was rational thought, logic and science that makes the Western World superior, not arguments about who Abraham sacrificed to God. The sooner people realize that Religion is a force that not only freezes the evolution of man, but turns back the clock, the sooner the world will evolve and we will see peace, and prosperity for all, because moral values based on logic and reason are unassailable, moral values based on religion are contradictory and thus destructive.

Consider someone was to walk up to you and tell you about the RC Church's theory of the solar system circa the 1500s and claimed that it was absolutely true. What would your response be? You'd laugh in their face, because you can easily see the contradictions and exceptions required to make it true (and even then it didn't work). This is why Galileo and Copernicus' model of the solar system set itself apart and no amount of torture, or excommunication could stop the idea.

Now consider the values of the 3 major religions of the world. They are riddled with the same contradictory positions and exceptions (i.e. they would have to be to cause them to create the ridiculous system of motion that they did and nothing has changed since). If one is to rationally investigate the position of the 3 major religions and identify the contradictions, one can easily see the ridiculousness of the proposition and recognize easily, that to follow the value systems of these religions without being a hypocrite is to embrace death.

Contrast that with Objectivism, which is based on a completely non-contradictory position and demands that you use your brain, use your reason to question everything, including Objectivism itself, and denounce anything that is a contradiction and you see the point. The United States and the nations of Europe that followed the lead of the US and Scotland are based upon the values of Objectivism, even if they did not fully understand what they were doing. (much like a child walking, can walk, but doesn't understand why they can walk or the physics involved) That is what makes them great, and that has been what has enabled them to survive throughout the evil incursions of Socialism and now again, religion. Embrace truth, and logical values based on a non-contradictory view of the world and yes, you (and your entire culture that does the same) are superior to those that read a book and do not question it and live their lives by it even though it is riddled with illogical positions. Do what Europe is doing, ignoring reality and living in a subjectivist haze of delusion and you are no better than anyone else, and you will surely be defeated by barbarians that at least believe in something, even if it is a wrong something.

For that reason, I not only tolerate the author of the cartoons, I salute them! It is men and women that understand reality that will be the saviour of Europe and these men/women have started something that cannot be ignored any longer. Perhaps they might have even kicked the sleeping bear hard enough to wake it up, and cause it to fight back. Who knows? Who knows if the bear will fight back like a sleepy bear that doesn't know who's attacking it but knows it's being attacked and swings out randomly trying to stop the pain (i.e. another Hitler), or if they will wake up, embrace reality, gather themselves and strike back with logic and reason (i.e. Churchill), which is the only defence that will succeed. Here's hoping that the sleeping bear can wake up and focus itself before it's too late.

on Feb 03, 2006
The great hypocrisy here is, they are causing and international ruckus over these cartoons of a prophet, yet when all the "Piss Christ" and other Christian parodies were all over the news, they didn't care. Since Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet, I guess one prophet is too good for parody (or even imaging), but others aren't. I wonder how they would react to Abraham being parodied?
on Feb 03, 2006
Well, you started off strong, but then fell down when you started blasting all the religions.  Indeed most religions have had periods of abuse, some greater than others, but that does not support your thesis that religion is holding back civilization.  One could make a strong argument that religion has advanced civilization farther than any other force by allowing men to form civilized societies.  But that argument is for another time.
on Feb 03, 2006
The Muslims have a stricture against any depiction of the Prophet.. Not that I agree with the feigned outrage over nothing.
on Feb 03, 2006
I would like to see these cartoons, can someone point them out to me please, a link perhaps?

Wow, if cartoons had such an inpact in the muslim world, can't imagen what a 5 minute video would do. We definitely need to stop Iran from getting nukes.
on Feb 03, 2006
That would be funny, the whole world would go to hell for a few stupid cartoons.
on Feb 03, 2006
JG - once again - tries to shoehorn his two pet hates (religion and socialism) into the same box, and -once again - fails utterly to do so.
on Feb 03, 2006

I would like to see these cartoons, can someone point them out to me please, a link perhaps?

Shadowwar just posted them: http://shadowwar.joeuser.com/index.asp?aid=99800

on Feb 03, 2006
Dr. Guy:

Let's see... the Christian religion had 1500+ years of dark ages created and perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church. In that time they killed millions, burned "witches" that didn't exist (i.e. women with knowledge of medicines etc. that helped people thus undermining the church), whipped out an entire group of people (the Temblars) and had 3 Crusades to kill Muslims.

Jusdism founded the very first suicide bombers and has spent the last 2000 years attempting to live it down. It's telling that modern Jews are in general less likely to be driven by their religion and more by rational thought (forced upon them by threats on all sides) and thus are leaders in almost every community that they participate.

Islam: Started in fire, stones it's own people to death, sees all other relgions as infidels and tells its followers to kill them (yes, this is MAINSTREAM Islam, not extremism as some Muslims would like you to believe, read the Koran, it's quite clear).

Then we have the relgions of Africa... oh right, they're all trying to commit genocide against each other and have been for 3000 years. And now the Muslims are killing them. Whohoo!

Hindi and Budism are from the same leaf and while they haven't had the same attrocities because they're based on passivism first and foremost (and thus they die at the hands of others because of their irrational belief that even self-defence is evil), there have been lots of things happen as a result. (I don't know enough about either religion's history to really speak intelligently on the subject but I do know of more than a few incidents.)

To sum up, the only reason why Christianity stopped what it was doing was because of the enlightenment born from Reason and logic and NOT the belief in God.

Judism stopped 2000 years ago because they were being hunted, and when you're hunted by foes with superior firepower, your only defence is your mind. Besides which the Jews have never ruled until recently. And well, they've done a bang up job in Isreal of oppressing everyone but themselves haven't they?

Islam, well Islam is right where Christianity was 1000 years ago. Rational thought isn't known to them.

But make no mistake, the Pope and the RC church would have you go back to the dark ages if they could. They actually see it as a better time. (Paraphrasing heavily Benedict's last speach on Love as cherity BS)

Meanwhile, rational thought has raised the standard of living of every man woman and child in the Western World by a factor of > 1 million (not exagerating) since it took hold in 1776.
Rational Thought has given women the right to vote and not be property of their husbands.
Rational Thought has shown us that each man is equal and should only be judged by his personal actions. That his skin color and his parentage has not value to the man.
Rational Thought, not religion has taken us to the moon (arguably) and has beaten almost every decease that people used to die of under the reign of Relgion and the false belief that if you pray and want to believe enough, God will save you.

But religion isn't bad at all! It's a good thing to go back to believing what you're told and not questioning anything and believing that everything is the will of God and that we can't possibly understand the universe because God is so powerful and complex that our little minds can never understand it! Yes, that's the ticket!

Rational thought does not create evil acts. But religon and belief in religion has started almost every war the world has ever known, and the others that weren't created because of it were created for the same reasons.

Rational thought demands that you do not initiate force against another and act with overwhelming force when another does so against you or anyone else. Religion (all of them) tells you that not only is it fine, but virtuous to kill those that don't believe what you do. (Yes, all 3 of the major religions say this, and all 3 have killed eachother for this very reason and continue to do so to this day.)

History is clear: Religion = death, Rational Thought = life. I don't know how much more clear it could possibly be. That religious people do not what to face the truth of their contradictory beliefs, while completely predictable is sad. If they expended as much time learning about reality and the universe and what to believe and why as they do defending their irrational beliefs and attacking others that hold other irrational beliefs, the world would be completely unreconisable. We would be truely one people... under reason.

As for the link between socialism and religion? All 3 major religions believe in Altruism as the highest virtue. Socialism also believes that this is the highest virtue. Both enslave their citizens for this value. Both have murdered millions for their irrational beliefs that are full of contradictions. Both lower, not raise the standard of living of their citizens. (Just ask Finland, Sweden and Norway) Both seek to destroy all unbelievers.

And the most telling? Read up on the followers of Marx after he wrote his Manifeso. They were cultists much like religious extremests. It became a religion. That's why there is still no reasoning with a socialist, just like there is no reasoning with a religious nut. That are two sides of the same evil coin, and if you choose either, you are choosing death for yourself and everyone that you seek to subjugate under their yoke.

Altruism is an irrational value that contradicts itself and requires its followers to be hypocrits. When we recognize that "enlightened self-interest" that Aristotle, Smith, Franklin, and later Rand have spoken about is the only rational non-contradictory system of human interaction that does not result in slavery, then the vision that the founding fathers of the United States will be fulfilled and the world truely will be better off.
on Feb 03, 2006

Let's see... the Christian religion had 1500+ years of dark ages created and perpetuated by the Roman Catholic Church. In that time they killed millions, burned "witches" that didn't exist (i.e. women with knowledge of medicines etc. that helped people thus undermining the church), whipped out an entire group of people (the Temblars) and had 3 Crusades to kill Muslims.

Best recheck your history.  The dark ages did not last for 1500 years.  INdeed they were but a few hundred before the protestant reformation.  Yes, they did kill a lot.  Did I deny it?  There have been excesses committed in the name of religion since the dawn of time.  But that does not negate religion.  You are one that would condemn democracy for the simple fact that Hitler, Mussolini, Hamas, and the iranian Clerics were thus elected.  Your analogy is simply throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

Like the Muslims of today, any religion can be corrupted by messianic people.  That does not make the religion evil or wrong.  It makes the evil people bad and wrong.  Just because John Wayne Gacy killed a lot of people, should we know stone all Johns?  Your argument makes that case and as much sense.

on Feb 09, 2006
300 AD to 1800AD give or take a few years. The Protestant "reformation" took the teeth out of Christianity... al least in a few parts of the world. Yes, Protestantism formed christianity before the 1800s but it was only in the late 1700s that anything actually changed, and the burnings at the stake ended. Why? Because of rational thought. Because of capitalism and science. Why was capitalism and science able to take hold? Because the protestants took the teeth out of the church, not because protestantism was some sort of enlightened organization. (if you want proof of what i just said, go look up the mean income buying power index of England between 1550 and today. You'll see almost no increase (and a large decrease because of the plague outbreaks) until 1780 when there was a slow but steady increase and then by 1860 expodential growth. Previous to 1780 there had been no increase in the standard of living in any part of Europe (other than a few issolated city states run by essentially capitalists and scientists) after 120 AD. Subsistance was the order of the day until "The Wealth of Nations" was written and the American Revolution. It was only these two watershed events that truely started the freeing of people from their religion and the result was predicable. The more religious the country, the lower the standard of living. The more a country moves to a theocracy, the lower the standard of living gets... exactly the same way that socialism does the same. For exactly the same reason.

To this day, the church still has huge portions of it that are commiting evil acts (pedophiles anyone?) and some even in their own name! Consider that they just recently appologized and absolved Galleleo. Consider that the pope still tells men and women to not use birth control. That it is right and good to be enslaved by our reproductive organs. Consider the baptist (i.e. prodestant) practice of donating money to Isreal. Why? To hasten Armegeddon. And yes, we're talking 10s of millions of American Baptists are doing this. Not some isolated extremists.

What you're suggesting is like a palistinian saying that they don't support terrorism the day after they voted for Hamas.

At the root of the evil of religion is the belief that you must sacrifice to everyone but yourself. That everyone else is more important than you. That you must turn the other cheek while others destroy that which you know is right. (the last being a Christian value that is causing Europe to self-destruct right now) It is this contradictory and evil value system, perpetrated by Jesus that caused the dark ages in the first place. It empowered men to take over the lives of almost every person in Europe and control what they thought, what they could learn, and who they worked for (and who their wives spent their first night of sex with). It is what is causing the gangs of Toronto to get away scott free, and the same thing is happening throughout the United States.

Stop making excuses for evil. And start recognizing that which has improved each and every person's lives, versus what has sought to hold back everyone either intentionally or through illogical contraditory values. Rational thought will show you the answer and the end result will be an anthiest.