Yes, that’s right. You have no privacy. It’s an illusion. It’s based on a logical fallacy. Get over it. Privacy is a desire of human beings to hide that which they are ashamed or embarrassed of. While this desire may be understandable, it in no way has anything to do with reality. In the past, the illusion of privacy was easy to keep up, much like the belief in God and miracles. However, in the day and age of integrated computer systems, satellites orbiting with nanometre imaging, camera...
So the other day I had a conversation with someone about same-sex marriage. It's the topic of the day in Canada because the legislation is in debate in the house right now. This person has a comment that is the same as most others with variations on the same theme: The bible says it's wrong. Two men or women marrying is against the bible! We shouldn't have it! (others come up with different variations on this theme, some of them to do with religion and some not.) My answer is the ...
The word love is one of the most bastardized words out there. It’s in fact, bastardized more than ‘hero’ which is saying something. Just like hero, Love is a very important and not to be spoken lightly term. In fact, I dare say that unless you’re using the most basic of definitions (sex, or chemical response) that most people have NEVER (even those that are married) experienced love. Do I say this just from my own personal experience? No, I’ve asked a lot of people about their relationships...
I admit it, I'm hooked on House. It's fantastic! Dr. House is like me except a doctor and with a limp So tonight's episode had House in a battle against a slick talking doctor who had made a diagnosis (that was wrong) and one of House's staff was buddies with this guy. Well House KNEW it was wrong, and fought for his opinion. The guy on his staff (Omar Epps) got a job offer. House talks to him about it, and Omar says "you could do with a little humility" or something along those line...
5 or 6 years ago I met a young woman, full of promise. When I say promise, consider that I did not know cognitively what I know now. Everything I knew to be right was instinctual. It was a view of life created as a result of my quest for understanding. Ironically it was the illogic of the logic presented in Star Trek that hooked me on logic and reason. It was that underlying beauty of rational thought, of seeing what IS instead of what I wanted to see and applying it to everything in life...
A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything. -- Nitzche Taken from the "I want it, therefore it's good" man, but none the less, even Hitler made a good point sometimes.... "Never attribute to malace that which can be adiquately explained by incompetence." -- Hitler Thanks Sonya!
Yes, you can prove the subjectivist position incorrect. To summarize their point of view for those that haven’ttaken a philosophy course and aren’t aware how badly you have been hoodwinked(they will try and twist this around and hide this, but boil down the wordsthat they say, extend it to its logical conclusion and this is what you get): There is no such thing as universal truth except that there is no universal truth. We’re all wrong, we can’t ever be right about ...
Draginol has touched on this a little, but I'm still amazed by people. The internet has been the greatest tool for free speach that has ever been invented. It has been a great equalizer the likes of which we haven't seen since the dawn of a free market economy. Rathergate is proof of this fantastic power that each and every one of us that can afford a computer and an internet connection can exercise. But in that power, and especially in the Rathergate article is the key to the problem... So John Stewart won About time. I mean I really like John Stewart. He's one of those people that gets it. He understands what truth is. He calls himself a democrat, but I would say that that is for lack of other choices myself. Most of the Daily Show sucks, it's simply fillter for his commentary at the beginning, but hey, then I only have to stay up for 10 minutes after midnight. Maybe the news organizations are starting t...
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, ...
Ok, so I'm going to piss off pretty much every segment of the population except for the thinking kind in this one article. (As if I didn't already do that in the last one) So if you don’t want to get pissed off, please don’t read this. (I might piss off thinking people too because I’m in a really sarcastic mood…) Objectivists: Ayn Rand was wrong. Totally and completely wrong at least once (well more than once, but I'll get to that later). The contradiction is hit you over the head obvious...
Yes, under the losers are losers for a reason file: Woman on welfare with 3 kids and no husband (dead beat too aparently) finds $40,000 in cash. Turns in money. Gets reward of $2000.00. News media loves it, great Christmas story and all because hey, poor person wins lottery is marginally ethical. (miracle) Law in Ontario says that whatever you make while on welfare gets deducted from your welfare. Media exposes, boo hiss!!! Government aquiesses and does rowsing speach on rewarding h...
"In the name of the best within you, do not sacrifice this world to those who are its worst . . . Do not lose your knowledge that man's proper estate is an upright posture, an intransigent mind and a step that travels unlimited roads. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it's yours." ...
Ok, so it always seems to come down to this one thing with religion and then the religous nuts argue that you just have a belief too, just as they do and you can't be sure you're any more right because of the old chicken and egg. Chicken and Egg theory... CONTRADICTION. No matter what belief you have, big bang started the universe or God did, you still have the chicken and the egg. If God created the universe, who created God? Occam's Razor comes into effect here. (And Christians fa...
Yes, that was a road sign that I saw the other day... Yes, I suck at spelling, and every once and a while I make stupid gramatical mistakes because my brain gets ahead of itself. But this is pathetic. People, it's slowly, really, awefully. It is not slow, real or aweful. Learn what an adverb is.... it's frightening how fast the adverb is getting bastardized into irrelivence in English in North America. Fight the urge, fight it every time you catch yourself doing this, correct yoursel...