Link Finally, the side of rational thought, science and yes, freedom (in the context of being able to think for yourself instead of believing something because someone told you that you should believe it and thus it must be right) has won one. It's so far, a small victory, but a victory non-the-less in a battle that will decide if the Western world descends back into another dark ages, or if the advances made by the enlightenment and the Inventive period will continue. All too often th...
Several objectivist web sites are linking to this article:,,2-1798944,00.html Why? Because it's proves what they instinctually know or want to believe is true. If you read that article you’ll see the flaws. Tiny sample, and absolutely no control over any other variables etc., etc. It is far more likely that the reason why there is less violence in Britain and much less in Europe is because they’re far less free than Americans and because of g...