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Rational Thought in an Irrational World
A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
Finally A Win for The Light
Published on December 21, 2005 By
John Galt
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Finally, the side of rational thought, science and yes, freedom (in the context of being able to think for yourself instead of believing something because someone told you that you should believe it and thus it must be right) has won one. It's so far, a small victory, but a victory non-the-less in a battle that will decide if the Western world descends back into another dark ages, or if the advances made by the enlightenment and the Inventive period will continue. All too often the side of reason and logic don't even bother to show up to the fight because those of us that believe in reality, truth and logic simply cannot conceive of the evil of religion or socialism (subjectivism's prodigal child) actually having any sway over people. The fact is that it is reason and logic that rarely has sway over people until their lives are threatened and even then, only occasionally.
We need more of these victories. We need philosophy courses in our schools that are required credits that teach kids at an early age how to think, and to dissect an argument, and how to refute it. We need to teach them the real differences between subjectivism and objectivism, to show them with real world examples the results of the two beliefs. It needs to be integrated with a far more detailed examination of the Industrial Revolution and the Inventive Period that sets aside the dogma of Kant and Marx and actually examines the truth of the time given the vast advances compared to the previous 2000 years of human history. Only when we teach our kids how to think, and reason and expose lies for what they are, will this battle be won. Only education and free thought can save us from religious dogma and subjectivist driven BS known as socialism.
Thank god (*grin*) that there is at least one judge in the United States with a brain who is willing to use it, no matter what his personal beliefs may be. I hope there are many more, because this war is far from over.
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