Yes, you heard that right. The objectivist saying that he's thinking about voting for the liberals.
Because Paul Martin just pledged to remove the not-withstanding clause (i.e. the we don't really want a constitution clause) from the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Of course he was quick to note that it would be a Federal only amendment to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but hey, it's a start.
This is important because?
Because the government does absolutely nothing useful for Canadians (i.e. the only two things that they're supposed to do, military and justice they drop the ball on) thus the best possible thing is to make sure that the government can't meddle in our lives. The fringe benefit is that without the not-withstanding clause our constitution actually has a spine, and Canada actually has a fairly libertarian supreme court now so you can affect real change for freedom be using the supreme court to force the government to do something about their evil, freedom infringing ways (i.e. anti-same-sex marriage laws)
Hence we have Steven, I've-never-met-a-bible-I-didn't-like Harper who thinks that his religion should somehow play a part in the governing of a country, and Paul what's-my-name-again? Martin who can't do anything, but at least he balances the budget and only wastes millions on corruption instead of billions on forced slavery called socialism.
End result is a do nothing government (exactly the way it should be) that is completely incompetent and that has empowered the supreme court to overthrow all of the evil laws and for which they will either do whatever the supreme court says is right, or do nothing at all to undo whatever the court struck down.
This is the best possible thing Canada could ever hope for, baring someone with a brain and a set of moral values that aren't contradictory coming into power, which of course isn't going to happen.
So yes, I think I'm going to vote liberal if Martin will back up his claims during the debate. Not because he's the best man for the job, but because he is willing to get rid of all of the tools that the government has to enslave me while they accomplish little or nothing.