A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat."
-- Theodore Roosevelt

If that isn't positive and a heroic way to live one's life, then I don't know what is. I live by this, and fight through a society that punishes people for this very way of life that made the United States and Canada great nations in the first place.

Dare Greatly.

on Dec 29, 2004

That...is an awesome quote....awesome not being a very good adjective, I know, but awesome nonetheless.

"""""I live by this, and fight through a society that punishes people for this very way of life."

I'm feel'n ya there, bro.


on Dec 31, 2004

Actually trying to carry on a debate with someone is not a persecution complex. It's called rational debate. The problem is that you don't actually have the facilities to debate.

(Oxymoronic statement? I think so... Heavily subjective statement berating the subjective... )

Taking comments out of context of the original assertion that also included proof, and using the summation statement of the paragraph is also the hall mark of left wing (read subjectivist, socialist) media and in general subjectivsts everywhere. Also you're use of the word Oxymoronic is incorrect thus showing yet more ignorance. Oxymoronic: A rhetorical figure in which incongruous or contradictory terms are combined, as in a deafening silence and a mournful optimist. Since that statement is not contradictory in any way, you can be weak minded and lazy and most definately can be weak minded, lazy and a subjectivist, in fact the terms are all synonyms, you'll pulling a word out of your ass and using it simply because you feel like it. Much like the way most people use the word Ignorant now-a-days. (Thank you subjectivity, you created the belief that it's OK to use words however you feel like with complete disregard for their true definitions.)

Since you are incapable of doing anything other than berating and show no interest in actually proving anything you say (which you don't say much, but what you do say is just blather without proof) your future posts will be deleted.

For the rest of the trolls. Your posts will also be deleted. I don't have time for morons that berate without proof. You're tiresome and boring.

For the very few that actually have something to contribute and want to carry on a real debate based on facts and not complete bullshit assertions, please do post and for those of you that have already posted, please continue, I value your input greatly. (whether or not I agree with you, if you back your statements up with FACT then you're welcome here.)
on Dec 31, 2004
JG, if I read you right, you are describing Baker Street as "left wing (read subjectivist, socialist)". This is like calling Genghis Khan a commie. You have truly lost the plot. Happy New Year. May I suggest you make your new years resolution to become sane.
on Dec 31, 2004
Why even bother having this thread if you're simply going to delete the target's responses? I understand you dislike Baker and don't want to hear what he has to say, but if so then perhaps the forums aren't the place for you. You can keep discussions limited by only posting to your blog; there's a tick box in the "create new blog" that will allow you to keep your articles out of the view of those who peruse the forums. That might be helpful if you wish to avoid criticism on an opinion site like this.
on Dec 31, 2004
That has got to be the funniest response I have ever heard! Baker Street a Liberal!!!!! What will they think of next. Cacto and Champas are thrashing around like fish out of water on the off chance that he went to the Left.
on Dec 31, 2004
Well if BakerStreet's a died in the wool lefty, then what the hell am I? I've probably hit some quantum flux or something and become a rightwinger!
on Jan 07, 2005
Galt, why not just take your marbles and go home?
on Jan 10, 2005
Why even bother having this thread if you're simply going to delete the target's responses? I understand you dislike Baker and don't want to hear what he has to say, but if so then perhaps the forums aren't the place for you. You can keep discussions limited by only posting to your blog; there's a tick box in the "create new blog" that will allow you to keep your articles out of the view of those who peruse the forums. That might be helpful if you wish to avoid criticism on an opinion site like this.

1. Because I am looking for people with evidence to backup their position that proves me wrong. That's what scientists do. They defend their position vigorously, but always search for information that could disprove their theory. That is their duty under scientific method.
2. I don't dislike Baker. I think he's a fool, and that's because he make statements without proof (logical or physical) condeming me. This is called a fool by definition. An ignorant one at that. You don't have a right to speak until you speak with evidence of what you're saying.

So bring it on. Someone prove me wrong with real evidence. You must simply provide one example of physical evidence that demonstrates a contradiction in my philosophy. Baring that, you can present a logical proof that is without contradiction yourself that demonstrates the contradiction in my philosophy, or whatever it is that I'm aruging at the moment in the article.

If you can do neither and someone daring to make statements and back them up and defend them bothers you, please ignore me. That is your right, just like changing the channel. If you can do neither and really want to teach me who is more intelligent, then go read, learn and educate yourself so that you can prove me wrong with evidence. I suspect however that when you're done, if you actually read all of the evidence and not just what you want to hear, that you'll be agreeing with me.
on Jan 10, 2005
I think you are confusing your blogs, J.G. Your other blogs are the pseudo-scientific ones. This one is just an attack on me, and a huge prop to yourself. There's nothing to "prove" here, only your subjective opinion on how one's life should be lived.

I would add that you didn't bother proving much of anything on your other blogs, either. "Philosophy" proves nothing scientifically, and your scientific proofs you mumbled over by saying people here were too uneducated to "get it", so you just stated the result and didn't bother with anything else.

I don't see anything positive or heroic in your recent behavior here. I see close-mindedness, paranoia, and, frankly, hateful bias. Scientific and objective never really enters into any of it. As for this blog and the discussion thereafter, you make asinine assumptions about who i am as a person that are so utterly untrue that even people who disagree with me 99% of the time are disagreeing with the appraisal.

You're need to paint me as a socialist, or the other things you spout, just shows how distant you are from real objectivity. Otherwise, you'd take a half hour and look into who i am and see that I'm nothing of the sort...