So last week the supreme court of Canada ruled that a Quebec law preventing insurance companies from insuring Quebec residences against things that were already covered by Canadian Medicare was unconstitutional under Section 2 of our Constitution. In their ruling they were very careful in what they said but the newspapers and TV News all got the message and have (rightly, as I’ve read the first 20 or so pages of this monster decision) reported that the supreme court said that because of the h...
Yes, that’s right. You have no privacy. It’s an illusion. It’s based on a logical fallacy. Get over it. Privacy is a desire of human beings to hide that which they are ashamed or embarrassed of. While this desire may be understandable, it in no way has anything to do with reality. In the past, the illusion of privacy was easy to keep up, much like the belief in God and miracles. However, in the day and age of integrated computer systems, satellites orbiting with nanometre imaging, camera... Yes, this is a group of smokers that are upset that here in Canada we're starting to come to our senses and are banning smoking in all public places. Maybe someday we'll even get to the point of realizing that smoking in a house with a child under the age of 18 is ABUSE and charge people as such. FACT: Second hand smoke is actually worse than the stuff you suck into your lungs with those cancer sticks. This is just as much fact as Evolution. Yes, I said Evolutio...
Ok, so Draginol just posted an article on How to make a Kerry voter into a Bush voter. One of the things that has stuck with me throughout my readings of Draginol, that I just find so very very wrong, is his assumption that the will of the people is what democracy is all about. (“We're a democracy. The will of the people should be paramount.”) I agree with almost everything else he says. However, democracy is NOT about the will of the people. It is about the people electing representative...