Ok, so Draginol just posted an article on How to make a Kerry voter into a Bush voter.
One of the things that has stuck with me throughout my readings of Draginol, that I just find so very very wrong, is his assumption that the will of the people is what democracy is all about. (“We're a democracy. The will of the people should be paramount.”) I agree with almost everything else he says. However, democracy is NOT about the will of the people. It is about the people electing representatives because they believe that those people will act in an honourable way that will ultimately further their district and the country as a whole and that can only be accomplished through freedom. It is not about popularity and it is not about the majority getting to dictate to the few or the one. This is the fundamental principle that both Bush and Kerry don’t understand as don’t most politicians. They, and most people in the free world have forgotten the true meaning of democracy as envisioned by the Greeks and later by the great American founding fathers who had a very specific and fantastic vision for the United States.
In fact, that is why the US has a constitution in the first place. It was an attempt by very educated men, to communicate what they only knew instinctually: The individual is the only value that matters. Groups are irrelevant, the majority means nothing. It is the individual human spirit of every free person to become all that they can be, to achieve “the American dream” that matters. The constitution was founded based on the issues of the day to ensure freedom for those men at that time. The reason is that because the founding fathers were instinctual Aristolians (objectivists by today’s terminology) they did not have the educated awareness of what they knew to be true to create a generic definition that would fit all cases. So instead they used specific examples (the right to bare arms etc.) to exemplify their understanding with the firm conviction that the men and women that followed them would understand this fundamental truth as well as they did if not better. (In fact I’m sure they assumed that the people that followed them would be more knowledgeable. They couldn’t have fathomed that everything that was learned during the renaissance and the American Revolution would be forgotten as it largely has today.) If this wasn't why the constitution of the United States was written, and democracy was supposed to mean "the will of the people" then there would be no need for a constitution because whatever the majority decided would be the RIGHT choice. We all know that that isn't the case because we fought against the communists for this very reason.
It is with this fundamental understanding of the individual that all law in the free world was once based upon. That there is no crime unless you harm or are acting TO harm another DIRECTLY. This is what the sum of the constitution of the United States of America means. This is the fundamental truth of all law, from St. Thomas Aquinas on down. Any law that abridges any act that does not harm another, is an unjust law. Further, you can never force a person to sacrifice themselves for another no matter the circumstances and no matter the reason, no matter how small the sacrifice must be. This is called slavery. Abraham Lincoln understood this concept as did many others later. This is the check and balance built into the US system and most other “free” nations. The supreme court has the power to strike down ANY law that violates these fundamental truths (freedoms). That is what they did in the case of Roe v. Wade. They did not make new law, they struck down unconstitutional law that required a woman to voluntarily enslave herself for the life of an unborn child. Similarly the Supreme Court of Canada did the same when they struck down the anti-same-sex marriage law. As they just did with the CRTC (FCC of Canada) law preventing US Satellite companies from selling their services to Canadians. This isn’t new law, this is the exercising of the check and balance system to force the government to either make a law that does not infringe on the fundamental principles of freedom, or to not make a law at all because it is impossible to do so without requiring slavery to another (unborn fetus or otherwise) or by infringing on my right to swing my arm so long as I don’t hit someone in the process. That the government of the US (and later Canada) did not choose to make a new law against abortion tells you something. Either they knew that they wouldn’t get elected if they did, thus showing the public awareness of freedom dispite their theological or socialistic bents, or that they couldn’t write a law that would pass the constitutional challenge, and thus decided to leave it the hell alone (good idea). The system worked EXACTLY as it should. Now if only other laws would be struck down on this same principle we would be getting somewhere (Patriot Act).
Someday soon, all of these highly partisan people of the US that are very, very vehement about the Right being right or the Left being right, will come to realize that both are wrong. Both seek to enslave you, just in different ways. Both seek to take away your rights “for the greater good”. The only difference is shades of grey.
Each of you know this fundamental truth instinctually. It’s why you cry out for real leaders to step up and lead this country. It’s why you’re so disillusioned and why, with the exception of this election because of Iraq, voter turn out has been dropping for more than 40 years. Why vote when you get to choose a socialist slave master or a religious one?
I for one would vote for anyone that stood up and pledged to do what they believed was in the best interest of individuals. Not a minority group, not a lobby group, but what will ensure that I get to continue to be an individual and go my own way. Because that is the first step of the American dream. I have to be able to walk my own path without fear of persecution before I can ever hope to achieve my dreams. Regan understood that, and that’s why he deserves to take his place beside Lincoln, Washington and others.
When you go to the polls think carefully on this concept, and realize that a vote for Bush or Kerry is just as surely a vote for slavery and the destruction of freedom as the other. And then write in a name if you’re able. That name is John Galt. Not for me, but for the character that I admire and get my nick from: John Galt of Atlas Shrugged. Vote for the individual and freedom that your great, great, great... grandfathers fought and died for (or someone else’s did and you now reap the benefits of) and truly understood and we have forgotten with some ill-conceived notion that democracy is the “will of the people” otherwise known as Majority Rule, otherwise known as Communism hidden behind a thin veil of capitalism tolerated only because it permits the socialists to exist and continue an evil concept that was proven as such almost 100 years ago when Stalin killed 50+ million people in the name of Majority Rule, the GREATER GOOD.
The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance (Churchill). Time to realize the lies that you’ve been sold and stand up for what freedom and democracy really are. “For and By The People” is very specific. For the people, not for the majority, for each and every individual. By The People, made up of anyone that wishes to run and convey their vision and integrity to others and be elected to do the job of ensuring freedom for all instead of power being horded in the hands of a few men who inherited their power instead of earned it.
On November 2nd vote for freedom, vote for the individual, vote for the true meaning of democracy. It is the only course of action that will save the United States of America from itself.