It doesn't have anything to do with Bush's stupidity and cronyism either
The reason why you’re bored with Politics is because there’s no real difference between a democrat and a republican. The only significant difference is your level of love of religion or distain for it.
If the neo-republican party had their way the US would be a Christian state with quasi-socialist values based on Christian morality. If the democrats had their way, the US would be a socialist state al-la France or worse the Soviet Union and people would be dying or enslaved for “the greater good”. Either alternative results in the death of the United States and the only reason it hasn’t come to pass is because the two are fighting over who is going to stick the knife in, not because of any powers preventing either side from winning.
Your fundamental flaw, from what I’ve seen as a result of your writing is your incorrect belief in altruism. Altruism is the fundamental structure of both Christianity and socialism (as I’ve pointed out before, much to the distaste of socialists, Christianity created socialism, it’s the natural progression of the teachings of Jesus.) This fundamental belief that you must give of yourself without expecting anything in return, and worse that you’re morally obligated to help others that haven’t earned your help (i.e. your belief that you should pay more than the same percentage that everyone else does of your income simply because you’re wealthy and earned your wealth) is the reason why you can’t break through to something much, much better. Once you realize that Altruism is not only flawed and ineffectual but a fundamental evil that must be destroyed in favour of a capitalist, Newtonian value system of “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction” you will break through to an exciting rebirth that must take place on a truly massive scale if the United States is to survive.
Once you shed yourself of this false belief you will see that the Republican and Democratic party of the United States are both irrelevant and more to the point dangerous. You’ll see that the founding fathers were trying to prevent exactly what both of these parties want to do to you. (i.e. the back of your one dollar bill says “in the dream of a non-secular state for a reason, as does your bill of rights protect against socialism even though most of it was created before socialism even existed in it’s present form.)
Enter Libertarianism and Objectivism. The fundamental system of freedom and the right to live your life how you choose and reap the rewards of your own work, or lack there of. To put it another way: The American Dream.
What is the difference between Libertarianism and Objectivism? Libertarians don’t care how you came about your belief in freedom as an absolute, only that you believe in it. Objectivists realize that without an understanding of why, the solution is short termed and doomed to fail.
Specifically, the founding fathers of the United States were what we would call libertarian. They didn’t care if you believed in God, or any other belief system so long as you believed in freedom. They themselves didn’t understand WHY freedom is so very important, only that it is important. As a result of this truth, the United States has been laid bare to those that would destroy it either in the name of god, or the name of the greater good specifically because they didn’t understand the nature of the battle that the founding fathers were fighting. It is only through a clear understanding of the why, that the United States can recover from its death bed, and more to the point grow back to its former glory and maintain it. While the libertarian movement is a short term solution to the problem, the ultimate result of libertarianism is a decline back to exactly where we are now, on the precipice. Only objectivism can save the great nation that the United States once was and then preserve that and make it better over time and guard it against all that wish to destroy it through their well meaning and evil belief systems.
When you learn to believe in freedom, the absolute that is driven from the most base absolute and what should be your only loyalty, truth and more to the point, you go from an instinctual believer to one that fathoms why freedom must be put first before everything else, then politics and the coming ideological war that will determine the future of the entire world becomes VERY exciting. It becomes something that you can participate in. It becomes something that is concrete and real instead of some abstracted ideal with no real outcome. It becomes something that you can defend, something that you can measure everything you do and everything everyone else does against. It becomes something that you can fight for every second of every day. From calling out the liar, to calling the police when you see a drunk driver on the road, to beating the crap out of the mugger on the street car whose stealing money from a little old lady instead of letting him get away, and dealing with the consequences when you hand him over to the police you have way to fight for freedom.
And at that point you realize that the adage: “All it takes for Evil to win is for good men to do nothing” is so very, very true.
Learn what freedom is, and why it is so important. Realize why you must stop giving to people that haven’t earned it, not only for your own good, but for the long term good of the very people you were trying to help (just ask the people in New Orleans (see previous posts)). Realize that without freedom, there is nothing worth fighting for, and the war between religion and socialism is irrelevant. It is a war that the only difference in outcome is that of who the slave master is and in who’s name(s) will all of the millions be killed for. Realize that there is no middle ground. This is war of death versus life. Suicidalism versus those that wish to live their lives and not apologize for it. Join in the third way and lets work to throw both evil task masters and get back what made the United States of America that the founding fathers dreamed of so very, very great.