while its possible only 25% of the homeless in ontario--or more specifically on yonge street in toronto--are mentally ill, the mentally ill comprise a considerably higher percentage (on average about 36%) of america's homeless population. while ive no doubt you take great comfort in the validity of your observations from your vantage point of 2 blocks away, i trust youll understand my reluctance to invest an equal measure of confidence in them.
to assist me in resisting my obvious proclivity for indulging myself in flippant arguments, perhaps you can direct me to the peer-review publication in which your landmark study appeared?
i arrived at the same conclusion somewhere earlier in the thread. seems to me it would have been at least as ethical as if i, after realizing my oil tool company was tanking, quickly sold most of my stock while it was still worth something--like before my investors got the bad news and were left holding the bag. if she'd used the money to buy somethin--let's say a major league baseball team--her kids wouldnt have needed any toys.