A perfect microcosm of everything that is wrong with society
Yes, I just saw it on DVD. Stupid me bought it cause he had the first one which wasn’t so bad, at least it didn’t hit you over the head like this one… but hey…
Spiderman II perfectly encapsulates everything that is wrong with Altruism in any form. The only result of altruism is self-destruction. His life is falling apart because of it, and to survive long enough to sacrifice himself a little more, he has to be selfish for a while thus being a hypocrite in the process… oh and let’s not forget that he loses his powers when he becomes a hypocrite (or maybe it’s because he’s being selfish, it’s not entirely clear)
But the really funny (sad funny) part of this, is the as Rand put it. They present the stupidity of altruism so wonderfully effectively, and then their solution is to try it again. Further they imply that you can’t be great unless you sacrifice yourself to everyone else.
Ironically the whole thing is undone when at the end MJ acts selfishly and leaves her fiancée at the alter and tells Peter that he doesn’t get to decide for her.
Imagine if instead of this sham, the same one that is played out day in and day out in our society, Peter used his power to better his own life, and sold his ability and in the process of getting rich made others better off too? Then we’d have a super-hero that kids could look up to. We’d have a super-hero that could live and not be a hypocrite to do so. That would be something fantastic.
Here’s hoping that Wizard’s First Rule gets made into a movie. Kids desperately need to see that there is a better way, and that Altruism is an evil concept that needs to be destroyed.
I haven’t seen “The Incredibles” yet, but I hear that it is a fantastic example of “living life heroically” and not apologizing to anyone about it. My kind of movie.
(spell checked this one