Sorry socialists and soft righties....
Yes, I know I was going to write a whole pile of stuff and I’ll get back to it eventually. But I think this important. It’s the false assumption that is the basis for almost all thought in the world. It’s the concept of “the greater good”. Sorry, but the greater good doesn’t exist. It’s a contradiction in terms and the only result is mediocrity, and slavery. Yes I said SLAVERY. We’ve been creating ever more ingenious ways to enslave portions of our society, throughout history. The Romans had a pretty good concept. Enslave those that you conquer and then promise them freedom and citizenship if they work hard. Good stick and carrot. Today we do it a little differently. It’s called guilt.
Here’s the scam. We tell the hard working people of the world, those that contribute and make North America the greatest place to live in the world that it is their obligation to help those “less fortunate” than themselves. We do it on the premise of the greater good. “You have to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.” But let’s look at what the greater good means taking into context some fundamental truths of the universe for a second.
The greater good is the concept that an individual or smaller group of people should sacrifice their possessions, their freedom, or even their lives in the interest of the larger group (society). What exactly does this mean? It means that people that work hard, create their own luck and create are expected to give willingly things that they have worked very hard for to those that choose not to do the same. It means that the basic rights and freedoms of individuals can be suspended for the “good of the majority”. Canada is rife with these types of expected sacrifices. Communal healthcare asks the rich to sacrifice their freedom of association for the supposed benefits of public healthcare. The CRTC (FCC lapdog in Canada) asks the same of every Canadian on the false premise that by limiting the amount of foreign content that we listen/watch it will somehow promote a strong Canadian culture through Canadian productions. In the US, according to Dragonol’s statistics which I verified, more than 80% of every dollar of federal taxes goes to wealth reallocation. I.e. the theft of one person’s hard earned dollars by the government for the “greater good” to support the lazy. I’m sure it’s even worse in Canada because we don’t have a huge military budget here.
And at this point, every socialist, quazi-socialist, liberal, and even most conservatives are saying “Ya, so? That’s a good thing. We all have to do our part that we’re able to do and contribute as much as we’re able.” The only argument between the conservatives and the liberals (republicans and democrats for those whom are American) is “how much”, not “is it right at all?”
The answer is, it is an evil concept that results in nothing. The fundamental law of the universe is that you don’t get something for nothing. Hence the phrase, you can’t have your cake and eat it too. If you do nothing, you get nothing. If you violate this rule only negative things will result. It may take a long time (and the more hard working people you sacrifice the longer it will take) to feel the consequences, but there are always negative consequences. If you’re flying a plane, you better have fuel, and your engines better be in tip-top shape, or you’re going to fall out of the sky.
Human beings are a little more complex, but the same rule still applies. In the case of humans, not only do they need fuel, but they need inspiration (the fuel of the mind). They need a reason to do something. And this is the key contradiction of “the greater good”. If people get nothing from their hard work, or it is continually stolen from them, they are going to be far less likely to work hard to achieve. The end result is at best mediocrity, and eventually the lechers outnumber the workers because you can live just as well as a lecher as a worker and do far less (everyone gets shoved to the middle no matter how hard they work, hence the middle class; otherwise known as the result of unions). End result, is that the “greater good” collapses, much as it did in the Soviet Union. The less extreme the example of course, the longer it takes, and the easier it is to spin, make excuses for, justify and deny (frog in a pot of boiling water…). The end result will always be the same however.
The interesting thing is that this lie and contradiction has perpetuated for most of the last century and into the 21st century (before that the renaissance was a glorious representation of capitalism and hard work = freedom to choose and to accomplish). The reason? Guilt. Instead of dangling a carrot to inspire the person to keep working as a slave with the promise of freedom eventually, we guilt people into believing that it is their responsibility to help. That if they don’t, they are anti-society, that they’re a bad person. That God will send them to hell, that they will be ostracized by the community. It’s a very powerful motivator, because the most important inspiration to a human, more than just about anything else other than instinctual needs such as breathing and reproduction, is the desire for respect (and thus love, the highest form of respect). By threatening to take away that respect, you ensure that all but a very few of the population will fall in line, and the ones that don’t are the ones that you want to get rid of anyways because they are “anti-social”. What a fantastic carrot!
However, judging by the lyrics of many of the songs now-a-days this next generation is VERY PISSED OFF. They’re not exactly sure what they’re pissed off about, but watch out! If they figure it out, this house of cards will come falling down very quickly. Either way, we’re running out of human power from the hard workers. Our politicians are our first indication. The rule now is “keep your head down, and don’t stand out.” (Kerry) Do nothing of note and you’ll stay in power. The end result is that those that should be leading our countries won’t come near it. Why stick your neck out to do what’s right when you’re just going to be punished for it? So we end up with losers like Clinton, Bush, Crouton (ex-Canadian Prime Minister… my own pet term for this particular loser), and Kerry. Even in the most capitalist business on the world we punish greatness (Microsoft) saying that it isn’t acting for “the greater good” on some abstract scale that someone somewhere arbitrarily decided based on the fact that MS believed that they had to right to do with their property what they wished…. News flash, that freedom is gone too. Now the government gets to dictate how MS sells its product and to whom and for how much. Now that’s what you call incentive to create, to produce! Sooner or later the hard workers, the heroes of our society will learn that respect isn’t given, it’s earned and at that moment, the socialist losers in our society, the lazy, will have no power over them. They’ll seek out others such as themselves and share their ideas as equals and respect will be earned on both sides instead of demanded and stolen.
We’re slowly culling our society of greatness and making more and more losers that never take a chance, never stand up and achieve anything. As Sheryl Crow says in one of her lyrics (she’s no doubt a liberal and doesn’t truly understand why this is) “All our politicians look like pop stars; all our pop stars like porn. And our heroes? They don’t want to live here no more.” End result? The 6th rule. You’re free to ignore reality, but not the consequences of it. No engine, and “the greater good” results in starvation, war, strife, and fear… oh, and those losers? Most of them don’t have an education either, so ignorance becomes the norm.
So the next time you’re watching Bush and Kerry and you’re thinking to yourself “Why can’t we get some good people that I could really get behind to vote for?” The answer is clear. Reward greatness with the freedom to be great and earn the rewards that are the result of that hard work and expect the losers to work for their living and stop giving the great people’s hard work away to be flushed down the toilet of the losers for “the greater good”.
P.S. Any amount of evil is evil. There is no balance to be had between good and evil. You must destroy evil in all forms, not negotiate with it. This isn’t an argument of balance and me being an extremist is patently false for this reason. And please don’t bother calling me a Nazi or a fascist. Both are SOCIALISTS. I am anything but a socialist as you’ve probably noticed. If you must, call me a libertarian or an Objectivist as they are accurate terms. But then I would be proud of those pronouncements and generalizations which is the hall mark of the left and the religious nuts of the world.
One Galt of Many that “just don’t want to live here no more.”