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Rational Thought in an Irrational World
A blog on objective thought in today's irrational, subjective world tackling some of the hardest questions of existence using reason and logic.
Life, the Universe and Everything Else too!
Published on July 24, 2004 By
John Galt
Welcome to a blog about rational thought. By writing this blog I intend to outline and refine a philosophy that is similar to, but in no way ends at Objectivism as outlined by
Ayn Rand
and later put into practice wonderfully in
Terry Goodkind's novels.
Warning, I'm a Canadian, so lots of my posts will be specific to Canadian politics (i.e. the evil CRTC!) that some Americans probably won't understand because you guys don't get very much Canadian news (whereas we get inundated with your news...)
At this point I guess most people would tell you about themselves. To heck with that!
I'm sure you'll learn lots about me (more than you'll probably want to know) in my posts, but it will be like CSI or Without a Trace, a little more each episode with a minimum of character development for the sake of character development beyond what is needed to further the story.
I'm writing this blog to serve two purposes:
1. As therapy. There is so much irrational thought now-a-days that it permeates almost everything and I have to get it out!
2. To test my theories and see if anyone can come up with contradictions in my statements. I truly do want to find out where I'm wrong so that I can correct it and improve my view of the universe.
Some of my topics will be very controversial (origins of the universe is my first topic!), and I really do what to hear from you. However, there is some ground rules to posting back to me. Namely, prove me wrong. Show me where I am wrong with an example. The example can be a logic bomb, or a real world example that demonstrates that I am incorrect. What will be quickly ignored will be "you're an idiot, MACs rule!" If name calling starts, the thread is done, name calling only demonstrates ignorance and lack of thought.
Here's a preview of topics that I am going to attempt to cover in the next couple of weeks (or whenever I get the time to write this stuff!)
1. Origins of the universe. Chicken or the Egg? Bah! Infinity is the answer!
2. Philosophy, a brief history and why we're such a screwed up world.
3. Who's Right: Plato/Socrates or Aristotle/Rand?
4. Religion, the ultimate evil
5. Socialism the brother to religion.
6. Freedom, what does it really mean and is it a concrete or an abstract?
Inevitably, I'll end up off topic lots and start ranting about stupidity in every day life, but those are my core topics that I really really really want to cover
After I've finished writing these articles, I'll start applying them to my favourite kicking posts around the world. (George W Bush, John Kerry, Paul Martin, Steven Harper... yes, there was a reason why I protest voted in the last election, they're all wrong and fundamentally do not understand freedom and thus I will not vote for them...)
Will there be humour? (Canadian spelling eh?) Probably, although remember I tend to be incredibly sarcastic, so watch out, you've been warned
Oh, and BTW, I can’t spell worth crap, and I always get which/that and who/whom mixed up, and I rarely will proof read for it, because it takes a lot of effort on my part to find them and correct them, and frankly I don’t really care. Also, I will use “their” in the singular all of the time instead of he/she because I can’t stand he/she and I don’t want to be exclusive and use he. That’s my stylistic decision and yes, it’s wrong grammatically, but hey, he/she is a real kill joy!
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on Oct 18, 2004
As someone who loves nothing more than a good philosophical discussion, I look forward to your theories, and the possibility of tearing them to shreds. And good call on the therapeutic aspects of the blog, there's so much anger to get out...
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